Friday, July 20, 2018

Getting back to painting

after not doing so for months.

Tomorrow I am making soy milk and soaking several yards of broadcloth.

Go to pages labeled How to make raw Soy Milk and Prepping the cloth if you are interested in learning how to do this.

It's not that I haven't been creative in my absence from blogger and my easel.  It's just that I got distracted by life as only acquiring two kids ages six and eight can do.  My studio time suffered greatly.  That's my excuse for not having created any new quilted painting in a while.  Nor have I developed any new workshops, but I did updated two.  On the down side of things I let my website go  mainly because I couldn't make up my mind about continuing to travel to teach outside the State where I live.

Another thing that went was my plan  to make an educational video about my technique for using watercolor paints on cloth.  I have neglected my original blog, "Art-Quilt-Works".  Neglected it to the point that I thought it might be easier to just start anew.

So here I am.

I plan to devote this blog to my quilted paintings and all things quilt that I do in my studio spaces. The one in the house and the wet space in the garage.

During my months away I have created lots of pieced pieces plus several pieces that are thread sketched and painted with acrylic paints because at the beginning of the last school year it was easier for me to accept and deal with the intrusions into my studio time if what I was working on was easily be picked up and put down.

Knitting and pieced project fit that bill.  Painting on the other, trying to hold onto a vision when interrupted in the middle of a paint stroke, was not easy.  Now, not that my life is no longer filled with distractions just let me say, all day summer camp for kids is a good thing along with my daughter who takes over on a good many weekends and holidays.

I will add pages to this blog in lieu of a website to showcase my current work both the pieced pieces and my quilted paintings that I am planning to create. I will also add a page for selected works from the past.

Thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

  1. I was wondering if you were still working with the soy.
